Ski packages are $17 for the students and $20 for the chaperones. Non-skiing chaperones are free. All ski packages include orientation, a snow pass, rental ski equipment, beginner lesson, and lunch. A hot dog, bag of chips, and juice box are all that is in the lunch. They will eat directly after their ski lesson.
All skiers should be dressed in waterproof outerwear. If possible wear a water wicking garment close to your body with a couple warmer layers on top. Everyone MUST have waterproof GLOVES, waterproof PANTS, and a HAT or EAR MUFFS. I wear sunglasses even when it is slightly overcast. Students sometimes opt for layers of sweatshirts instead of a ski jacket, because they start peeling layers after lunch. I suggest bringing a clean change of clothes and a towel to dry off with after they have skied all day.