
continuous enrollment

What is Continuous Enrollment?

GCA implemented continuous enrollment during the 22/23 enrollment cycle. This agreement indicated that students will remain enrolled at GCA through graduation unless terminated by a parent/guardian or the school.

If your student is returning:

If you wish to stay on your current payment plan, you don’t have to do anything! On February 1st, your student will be moved to an enrolled status for the 25/26 school year and the $100 re-enrollment fee will be billed to your FACTS account.

Why Continuous Enrollment?

  • Practicality: There’s no longer a need for families to complete the re-enrollment packet! This is a more convenient and efficient process than re-enrolling each year.

  • Placement: Continuous enrollment guarantees a spot for your student(s) prior to open enrollment for new students.

  • Planning: This provides GCA with the necessary time to evaluate staffing, programs, curriculum, and facility usage for the upcoming school year.

  • Progression: GCA recognizes the value of a long-term partnership with families and the benefits of a seamless transition for students as they progress from Elementary School through High School.

If your student is returning and you want to change your FACTS payment plan or opt into Peace of Mind tuition insurance:

If you are withdrawing or unsure of your student’s plans and don’t want to re-enroll on February 1st:

Questions? Please contact Kelly Nichols, Director of Admissions, at admissions@gcak12.org or Tracy Snell, FACTS Account Manager, at tsnell@gcak12.org.