Board of Directors
Our Purpose
The GCA Board of Directors constitutes the authority for the Greenwood Christian Academy School Corporation’s school policy, programs, and academic development. The policies it establishes, the personnel it employs, and the manner in which it functions affects the daily life of the faculty, staff, and students.
Responsibility ultimately rests upon the Board of Directors for policy directing the growth and quality of GCA programs; conversely, the growth and quality of GCA programs are a direct reflection of the Board of Directors’ decisions.
Membership on the Board of Directors is as prescribed in the bylaws of GCA. Acceptance of the appointment implies the willingness to sacrificially donate the time and effort necessary to the operation of a private Christian institution of academic excellence. Specific duties of the Board of Directors are outlined in GCA’s bylaws. Areas of responsibility for which the Board is accountable are listed below.
The members of the Board are given the responsibility for the establishment, guidance, and spiritual leadership in the operation of the school. The Board is the policy setting body of GCA, with the Administrator having the responsibility for the implementation of the Board’s policies.
Craig Reed, Chair
Stephanie Schellin, Vice Chair
Danielle Doyle, Secretary
David McNichols, Treasurer
Heather Fleming
Hannah Inman
Brent Morrell
Serve as spiritual leaders for the school, waiting upon God for His direction.
Exercise oversight of the entire school.
Establish sound policies for operation of a good school.
Employ competent personnel who will be held accountable to implement the policies of the school.
Provide necessary buildings, equipment, and supplies.
Establish the annual budget and the method of financing the work.
Assist in interpreting the school to the Christian and the local community.
Do advance planning for the school’s growth.
Direct the administration to maintain a good-working relationship with local Christian schools and churches, with local public schools, with the State Department of Education, with ACSI, and with Indiana Non-Public Education Association (INPEA).
Act as final authority on problems arising within the school.
Maintain proper and open lines of communication among the school family without violating Matthew 18.
Board terms are three years. Terms begin on July 1 and expire June 30 of the following year. Board members may be elected to succeed him or herself by unanimous consent of all other board members. A board member may only serve two consecutive terms.
The GCA Board meets quarterly according to the following agenda:
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
Old Business
Finance Committee
Financial Statement Review
Cash Flow Projection
Capital Expenditures
Debt Agreements
Governance Committee
Executive Committee
Strategic Plan
Student Outcomes
Administration, Faculty & Staff
New Business
Comments, Announcements, and Other Business
Next Meeting Date
All board members are asked to complete this survey annually to help direct and focus the board’s efforts in regards to service, outreach and fundraising. Responses also assist GCA’s leadership team in planning for the year ahead.
apply to the board
Are you interested in serving on the GCA Board of Directors? Please review the below documents to learn more about the role and application process.
contact the board
Would you like to contact the GCA Board of Directors? Please email all of our board members by completing the form below.